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Back Apprentice Sheng
General information
Experience: 100
Speed: 170
Life: 95
Summonable: false
Convinceable: false
Armor: 12
Defense: 13

Offensive and Defensive
Name Parameters
Melee Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.
Spell Deals approximately 16 damage per turn.

Summons Voices
100% of chance to summon an Hyena
"I will protect the secrets of my master!"
"This isle will become ours alone!"

Elements and Immunities
Immunities: Energy |

Loot Information
Item Rarity Percent
0 - 10 Gold Coin Common 74,25%
0 - 6 Carrot Rare 33,75%
0 - 2 Dead Snake Rare 33,00%
0 - 2 Torch Rare 35,25%
Leather Helmet Uncommon 47,25%
Leather Legs Common 68,25%
Magic Light Wand Uncommon 60,00%
Meat Uncommon 54,00%
Rope Uncommon 52,50%
Shovel Rare 30,00%
Knife Very Rare 15,00%
Minotaur Leather Common 75,00%
Monster of the Day
Bonus Loot +49%
Bonus Exp +39%
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Server Offline 

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Top 5 Experience

1 - Testseller
   Level: (1008)
2 - Garibas
   Level: (28)
3 - Minerva Orlando
   Level: (8)
4 - Super Tetano
   Level: (8)
5 - Garibasdois
   Level: (8)